Ways to adjust the scroll position of a div containing an overflowing div within it

In my simple HTML document, I have the code below:

<div id="doublescroll_projects">
  <div class="project_icons">
    <div id="project" class="project_1"></div>
    <div id="project" class="project_2"></div>
    <div id="project" class="project_3"></div>

Additionally, I have the following CSS:

#doublescroll_projects {

    .project_icons {

#project {
    margin:50px 55px 55px 50px;

The class project_icons enables the div doublescroll_projects to be scrollable in both directions. My objective is to have the scroll position set to be halfway vertically and halfway horizontally when the page loads.

I've researched various solutions for setting the scrollbar position, but none have been successful for me. I would appreciate any guidance on achieving this effect during page load.

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