Ways to adjust the height of a UL element using Jquery in the given situation

Trying to determine the height of multiple ul elements in an HTML structure and set the maximum height for all. Currently, the code I'm using is setting the height to 0 for both ul elements. How can I adjust it to set the max height for both uls? In my CSS, I have used .col-sm-2.list-unstyled with float:left as well.


  <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        <!-- Content container to add padding -->
        <div class="yamm-content">
            <div class="row">
                <ul class="col-sm-2 list-unstyled">
                        <a href="/residential/en/us/about/">About Carrier</a>
                        <a href="/residential/en/us/about/corevalues/">Core Values</a>
                        <a href="/residential/en/us/about/fact-sheet/">Fact Sheet</a>
                        <a href="/residential/en/us/about/willis-carrier/">Willis Carrier</a>
                        <a href="/residential/en/us/about/history/">Carrier History</a>

                <ul class="promotions-block menupromotion col-sm-2 list-unstyled hidden-xs">
                    <li class="holder col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-4">
                        <div class="promo_wrpr">
                            <a class="inpage-module-link" href="http://www.naturalleader.com" target="_blank">
                                <section class="promo_img_hldr">
                                    <img src="demo/img/natural-leadership-sustainability-utc-82x76.jpg"
                                         title="Learn about Natural Leadership and Sustainability at United Technologies Corporation"
                                         alt="Learn about Natural Leadership and Sustainability at United Technologies Corporation"
                                <div class="promo-text">
                                        <strong>NATURAL LEADERSHIP</strong>
                                    <span class="common-cta rightarrow">
                                        Learn about sustainability
                                        <span class="link-2liner">

JS part

 var b = $(".col-sm-2.list-unstyled").length;
        var c=0;        
        $(".col-sm-2.list-unstyled").each(function() {
                 if ($(this).height() > c) {
                c = $(this).height()
        for (var a = 0; a < b; a++) {

If you have any suggestions on how to fix this issue, please let me know. Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve this, my recommendation is to utilize jQuery. It offers a straightforward solution that works incredibly well. Start by obtaining the height of the primary ul element; assuming it's the .list-unstyled ul element, and store it in a variable. Afterwards, you can use jQuery to set the ul element's height based on this variable.

jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
    var setHeight = $(".list-unstyled").height();

Answer №2

I have found a solution that works for me: http://example.com/solution

Both elements now have the same height.

var x = $(".element").length;
var y = 0;
$(".element").each(function() {
  if ($(this).height() > y) {
    y = $(this).height()
for (var z = 0; z < x; z++) {

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