Instructions on utilizing *ngFor for every category I have

Seeking assistance with a specific issue. I currently have four labeled tabs, each containing projects. My goal is to ensure that when I save a project, it remains in the same tab where I initiated the save operation, rather than appearing across all tabs. Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

<label for="tab-one">PROPOSITIONS
<a class="plus" 
(click)="opentestdialog('PROPOSITIONS'); false">+</a>

<div *ngFor="let project of projects$ | async; let i = index;">

The code above triggers the dialog, written in TypeScript.

opentestdialog(category) {, { data: category });

Below is the saving process implemented within the dialog.

save() {
if ( this.newProjectName.length > 0) {
this.working = true;
const newProject: Project = emptyProject(); = this.newProjectName; = Math.random().toString();
newProject.state = this.newState;
newProject.type = this.newType;
newProject.category = this.category; UpsertProjectInternalAction(newProject));
this.newProjectName = '';

} }

Answer №1

Appreciate all those who took the time to read my question and refrained from providing an answer. I managed to find the solution on my own.

retrieveProjectsByCategory(category: string) {
return this.projectsList.valueSeq().filter(project => category === 

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