Wait until all social buttons loaded through jquery are fully loaded before displaying them

I have implemented social buttons on my WordPress site, neatly arranged in a bar.

These buttons are dynamically updated using jquery-ajax when the content is refreshed.

function update_social(str)



The `str` parameter represents the post ID and `dd_outer` is the container div of the floating bar. I trigger the `update_social` function while loading post contents via AJAX.

While everything works smoothly, there's an issue where the bar sometimes fades in before all the social buttons are fully loaded. Is there a way to ensure that the entire bar appears only after all buttons have been loaded?

I initially thought utilizing `FadeIn` and `FadeOut` would suffice. Your insights are appreciated!


function UpdateLikeButton(str)
            var elem = $(document.createElement("fb:like"));
            elem.attr("href", "http://www.bag.com/Arabic/Arra2issia/"+str+"/");
            elem.attr("send", "false");
            elem.attr("layout", "box_count");
            elem.attr("show_faces", "false");

function UpdateTweetButton(str)

            var elem3 = $(document.createElement("a"));
            elem3.attr("class", "twitter-share-button");
            elem3.attr("data-count", "vertical");
            elem3.attr("data-via", "#");



 function UpdatePlus1Button(str)
            var elem4 = $(document.createElement("g:plusone"));

            elem4.attr("size", "tall");



Original buttons :

 <div id="zzzz" ><fb:like href="<?php the_permalink();?>" send="false" show_faces="false" layout="box_count"></fb:like></div>

<div id="plus1"><g:plusone size='tall' href='<?php the_permalink();?>'></g:plusone></div>

<div id="tweet"><a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="<?php the_permalink();?>" data-counturl="<?php the_permalink();?>" data-count="vertical" data-via="#" data-text="<?php the_ID();?>" data-lang="en"></a></div>

Answer №1

Make sure to include the return statement in your functions as shown below:

function AddProductToCart(productId)
            var cartItem = $(document.createElement("li"));
            // code to add product to shopping cart
            return true;

 function RemoveProductFromCart(productId)
            // code to remove product from shopping cart
            return false;

To use these functions, simply call them like this:

function manageCart(productID)
              alert("Product added to cart successfully!");
          } else {
              alert("Failed to add product to cart.");

Answer №2

It's important to remember to call the code within a callback function after the fadeOut operation is complete. This way, the code will only run once the bar has faded out successfully. Give this a try:

function update_social(str)


   //Delaying the fadeIn by 1 second to allow button functions to finish


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