Vue.js: Redundant CSS classes (CSS components) are created when importing the same CSS file

I am currently developing an App using Vue.js and CSS Components. Within my Vue components, I have noticed that some share similar styling.

In my Hello.vue component:

  <div :class="$style.title">Hello, World</div>
export default {}
<style module src="./common.css"></style>

In my GoodBye.vue component:

  <div :class="$style.title">Goodbye, cruel world.</div>
export default {}
<style module src="./common.css"></style>

The common.css file looks like this:

.title {
  font-weight: bold;

After compiling and running the code, I encountered a CSS class duplication issue (._2miFMUAEBLdLB9wHpgrYF2):

Screenshot showing duplicated CSS classes

Is there a way to resolve this duplication problem?

You can find the complete code here

Answer №1

Last night I delved into this topic! I am in the process of grasping the most effective strategies, and I'll share my findings with you thus far.

Your current setup may result in redundant CSS output during development mode, but in production, it gets deduplicated thanks to the configuration in the file.

new OptimizeCSSPlugin({
  ? { safe: true, map: { inline: false } }
  : { safe: true }

Nevertheless, it still leads to duplicate hashes in your app.js, which can lead to rapid bloat, regardless of naming conventions.

At the moment, I'm inclined towards having a universal stylesheet in the root component with simple non-scoped styles, while each component has its own unique styles with module. Simply use the plain class names from the universal stylesheet.

Alternatively, I'm considering implementing this in my root component:

<style module="$commonStyles" src="./common.css"></style>

This way, I can access this.$commonStyles throughout the application.

I will keep you updated on my progress.

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