vue - When using v-bind:class, how can you interact with a nested computed property object value?

Looking to assign a class to an inbox item in Vue when the value is equal to 'null'. I have almost achieved this, but there's one aspect I can't figure out. I've been following examples like, but I have some specific requirements. I need to dynamically define a class based on the computed property value nested within my form. I have a form with multiple input fields (generated using v-for), and I should check each field's value and apply a specific class if certain conditions are met. I can achieve this initially, but struggling to update the class as the user changes the input values.

This is an example of the loop:

  class="form__field form__field--autocomplete"
  v-for="input in info"
  v-if="input.PARAMETER_NAME != 'p_euser' && input.PARAMETER_NAME != 'p_dbuser_password'"

Here is an example of one particular field type based on the input.DATA_TYPE:

    v-else-if="input.DATA_TYPE == 'smallint' || input.DATA_TYPE == 'int'"
    v-bind:class="['', { 'nullclass' : [recordComputed[input.PARAMETER_NAME=='null']] }]"
    :disabled="input.i2_primary_key == '1' && method == 'edit'"

The recordComputed object is the main object (computed property) defined like this:

  recordComputed: {
   get () {
    let record = this.record => {
      var parValue = this.selected[input.i2_header_db]

      // if we do not have parValue and it is typeof=='object', we set it as null
      if (!parValue && typeof (parValue) === 'object') {
        parValue = 'null'
      record[input.PARAMETER_NAME] = parValue
    return record

My question is whether it's possible to read the value from a computed property reactively – specifically, one of its keys – in order to dynamically change the class for a specific input field. If there are alternative approaches, I'm open to suggestions.

Answer №1

It is entirely possible...

    <div v-for="input in inputs" :key="">
      <input type="text" :class="{ active : getIsActive[ - 1] }" :value="">
    <input type="checkbox" v-model="odd"> Odd ?

export default {
  name: "HelloWorld",
  data() {
    return {
      inputs: [
        { name: "input 1", id: 1 },
        { name: "input 2", id: 2 },
        { name: "input 3", id: 3 },
        { name: "input 4", id: 4 }
      odd: false
  computed: {
    getIsActive() {
      return => % 2 === (this.odd ? 1 : 0));

<style scoped>
.active {
  background-color: #42b983;

input {
  margin: 10px;

Your class binding appears unusual

v-bind:class="['', { 'nullclass' : [recordComputed[input.PARAMETER_NAME=='null']] }]"

Why are you using input.PARAMETER_NAME=='null' as an index into the computed property? Also, there are too many square brackets. And using 'null' is quite strange, why not just use null?

Perhaps it should be like this?

v-bind:class="{ 'nullclass' : recordComputed[input.PARAMETER_NAME]==='null' }"

Answer №2

I devised a somewhat unconventional solution. Instead of simply evaluating against the value of a field, which is only effective for an initial assessment, I opted to create a new property called isNullText. Within a method named checkForNulls, I assigned true or false to this property based on the value of the recordComputed property. Here are the key components that helped me resolve the issue:

data() {
    return {

Next, within the methods section:

methods: {
    checkForNulls () {
        for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(this.recordComputed)) {
${key}: ${value}
            if (value === 'null') {
                this.isNullText[key] = true
            } else {
                this.isNullText[key] = false

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