How to Toggle Div Visibility with AngularJS ng-show and ng-click

In order to eliminate error messages, I decided to clear the field with a button click. This approach successfully removed the error in my initial test.

<div class="errorPopup" 
data-ng-click="runner.Name = null" 
      <div class="triangle-down pull-left"></div>
      <span>Only letters allowed.</span>
<input ng-model="runner.Name" data-ng-patter="/(a-z)\" required />

However, I noticed that now I have to click once to clear the field and then twice before the error div is completely removed.

I am seeking a solution where I can get rid of both the field and the error div in a single click.

Answer №1

Your code has a few issues that need addressing (assuming there is a wrapping form with the name mainForm):

  • The attribute data-ng-patter should actually be data-ng-pattern

  • The regular expression you are using is incorrect. To allow only lowercase Latin letters, use this pattern:

  • In order to check for an error in the input field (and reference it via$error), the field must have a name. Since you are referring to it as, it needs a name attribute of name (which might not be clear). Choose a more descriptive name (e.g. runnerName) and utilize it like this:

<input type="text" name="runnerName" ... />

<div ... ng-show="mainForm.runnerName.$error"> 

If you address these issues, everything should work correctly!

For further demonstration, refer to this short demo.

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