Velocity.js causing a slowdown in animated performance

Currently, I am attempting to animate spans, and while the animation is functional, it appears to be somewhat choppy and lacks smoothness. My assumption is that this is due to my use of left/right for animation purposes.

$(".bf").velocity({left: "100%" })
$(".af").velocity({right: "100%" })

I am now experimenting with reconstructing this effect using translateX, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work as expected (in fact, there is no visible animation at all).

$(".bf").velocity({ translateX: "-100%" })
$(".af").velocity({ translateX: "100%" })

Here is the codepen showcasing this particular example:

Answer №1

If you're working with Velocity V2, you'll find that it doesn't include the problematic fake transformX style shortcuts found in previous versions. The documentation on the website specifically points out that it pertains to V1 only, and directs users to consult the Github wiki for V2 documentation.

The recommended approach is to utilize real CSS for animations, which means utilizing the actual transform property. To ensure smooth animation, it's advised to forcefeed the initial value when animating as V2 does not automatically read the browser's value (details can be found in the wiki):

$(".bf").velocity({ transform: ["translateX(-100%)", "translateX(0%)"] });
$(".af").velocity({ transform: ["translateX(100%)", "translateX(0%)"] });

Additionally, it's important to note that Velocity is now completely independent from jQuery. If your main purpose is element selection, consider dropping jQuery in favor of using native methods:

document.querySelectorAll(".bf").velocity({ transform: ["translateX(-100%)", "translateX(0%)"] });
document.querySelectorAll(".af").velocity({ transform: ["translateX(100%)", "translateX(0%)"] });

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