Columns that adapt to different screen sizes while maintaining a fixed aspect ratio, limited to a maximum of two columns

I'm facing a challenge trying to blend a few elements together:

  1. My goal is to have two columns take up 100% of the browser width with a height that adjusts relative to this width.
  2. I want these columns to switch to one column when the viewport is small.
  3. And if possible, I would like the font size to adapt based on the column width rather than the viewport - so that when there's only space for one column, the font size is larger compared to when it's divided into two columns.

Here's my attempt at putting it all together: - but the code to maintain the ratio creates some extra space at the bottom. See the CSS below:

#column {
background-color: grey;
-moz-column-width: 20em;
-webkit-column-width: 20em;
column-width: 20em;
-moz-column-gap: 2em;
-webkit-column-gap: 2em;
column-gap: 2em;
-moz-column-fill: balance;
-webkit-column-fill: balance;
column-fill: balance;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
#column:after {
padding-top: 80%;
display: block;
content: '';
p {
font-size: 2.2vw;

Thank you for taking the time to go through this...

Answer №1

To convert to a single column instead of two, you should utilize only the column-count property and remove column-width.

For adjusting the font size based on media queries: > compared to Chrome also

#column {
background-color: grey;
-webkit-column-count: 2;
-moz-column-count: 2;
column-count: 2;
-moz-column-gap: 2em;
-webkit-column-gap: 2em;
column-gap: 2em;
-moz-column-fill: balance;
-webkit-column-fill: balance;
column-fill: balance;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
p {
font-size: 2.2vw;
#column p:first-child {
margin-top: 0px;
@media (max-width: 35em) {
#column {
-webkit-column-count: 1;
-moz-column-count: 1;
column-count: 1;
#column p {
font-size: 1.5em;}
<div id="column">
&p;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tempor phasellus. Integer sodales nonummy in mi augue, aliquet sem posuere nonummy per, ut sed eu mollis rutrum in. Donec enim posuere eget quam sed, urna luctus porta placerat amet interdum, porttitor metus condimentum nec,
venenatis quis gravida in et eleifend tempor, at suscipit amet libero porta. Viverra adipiscing, egestas velit sit. Sollicitudin morbi non natoque egestas pede. Senectus sed, rhoncus vestibulum massa in, gravida suspendisse nulla, tempor a nec ultricies,
pharetra ornare vel sed magna varius ante. Convallis tincidunt urna euismod fringilla, autem nulla quis vivamus aliquam. Sem ipsum arcu congue scelerisque ipsum tincidunt. Scelerisque bibendum, cum congue, scelerisque ut in morbi. Ut ornare blandit
quis vitae mauris. Quis morbi pellentesque praesent mauris id imperdiet, metus gravida amet orci aliquam, nulla et adipiscing eu sit libero. Eget nulla ea, sagittis hendrerit cupidatat in turpis, suspendisse tellus fusce ligula nulla tincidunt quis,
deserunt ut dictum est vestibulum aenean. Nec phasellus rerum tempus nulla, odio sequi vitae orci justo fermentum. Justo ipsum. Donec aliquam eleifend cras nec dapibus, pharetra leo, sem eu, amet pharetra aliquam felis morbi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, tempor phasellus. Integer sodales nonummy in mi augue, aliquet sem posuere nonummy per, ut sed eu mollis rutrum in. Donec enim posuere eget quam sed, urna luctus porta placerat amet interdum, porttitor metus condimentum nec, venenatis quis gravida
in et eleifend tempor, at suscipit amet libero porta. Viverra adipiscing, egestas velit sit. Sollicitudin morbi non natoque egestas pede. Senectus sed, rhoncus vestibulum massa in, gravida suspendisse nulla, tempor a nec ultricies, pharetra ornare
vel sed magna varius ante. Convallis tincidunt urna euismod fringilla, autem nulla quis vivamus aliquam. Sem ipsum arcu congue scelerisque ipsum tincidunt. Scelerisque bibendum, cum congue, scelerisque ut in morbi. Ut ornare blandit quis vitae mauris.
Quis morbi pellentesque praesent mauris id imperdiet, metus gravida amet orci aliquam, nulla et adipiscing eu sit libero. Eget nulla ea, sagittis hendrerit cupidatat in turpis, suspendisse tellus fusce ligula nulla tincidunt quis, deserunt ut dictum
est vestibulum aenean. Nec phasellus rerum tempus nulla, odio sequi vitae orci justo fermentum. Justo ipsum. Donec aliquam eleifend cras nec dapibus, pharetra leo, sem eu, amet pharetra aliquam felis morbi.</p>

You can set a max-width of 40em or similar for the #column container to prevent it from expanding too much if the intention was to have 2 columns each with a maximum width of 20em. (It's not very clear what was intended since vw units were used.)

Answer №2

Do you think this solution meets your needs?

To address the font size increase at the specified breakpoint, I employed a media query:

@media (max-width: 44em) {
  p {
    font-size: 4.4vw;

When determining the actual breakpoint, factor in the column-gap and potential outer padding adjustments. Given that your column width is proportional to the viewport width (~50% of viewport width), using vw units for font sizing should align with the design.

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