various image proportions in HTML

I have an image with a ratio of 16:9 that I want to use on my website. On one of the pages, I display a list of products with images having a ratio of 340x265. When a user clicks on an item in the list, it takes them to the product page where the same image should be displayed with a ratio of 400x200. The issue is that due to the difference in ratios, the image may appear stretched. As someone new to HTML, what is the best way to address this problem?

Answer №1

To quickly solve this issue using only CSS, consider setting the width and height of the container div for the image and use the image as a background-image for this div. Add background-position:center; and background-size:cover; to the container to stretch the image without distorting its aspect ratio.

Alternatively, if you prefer to use an image in an <img> tag, you will need to employ jQuery to dynamically resize the image to fit the container.

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