Utilizing Vue CSS variables as inline styles

Incorporating CSS variables in my component has allowed me to dynamically set the width of a div based on computed data within the setup()

setup(props) {
    const progressBar = PositionService.getProgressBar(props.position);
    const progressWidth = `${progressBar}%`;

    return { ..., progressWidth };

I then utilize this variable as a CSS variable.

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.progress-bar-width {
  --progress-bar-width: v-bind("progressWidth");
  width: var(--progress-bar-width);

Upon rendering the page, I observed that an inline style is being added to the parent HTML component, resulting in:

<a href="#/1070/applications/status/1" class="card position-relative border-gray-300 border-hover overflow-hidden h-500px" data-v-61475b35="" style="--61475b35-progressWidth:43.0613%;">.....</a>

Due to the Content Security Policy (CSP) blocking inline styles, this method is not viable. How can I implement CSS variables without relying on inline styles?

Answer №1

Although somewhat unconventional, due to the limitation of not being able to use inline styles, this workaround is the only solution I can come up with:

Include a "style" component in your template. This will be rendered as <style> tags in the DOM. Inside the component, define the desired CSS variable within :root

<component :is="`style`">
    :root { --progress-bar-width: {{ progressWidth }}; }
<div class="progress-bar-width"></div>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.progress-bar-width {
  width: var(--progress-bar-width);

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