Utilizing VBA to Extract CSS Styling Information from Internet Explorer

One of my challenges is checking whether an element in a table has the property float: left or float: right to determine its relation. Unfortunately, the .getAttribute("Style") method only works for inline HTML styling, not CSS. When I tried using it, it returned [object MSStyleCSSProperties]. Here's the code snippet that didn't work as expected:

Dim htmlele As IHTMLElement
Dim PopUpWindow As Object

For Each htmlele In PopUpWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("tr")
    If InStr(htmlele.getAttribute("Style"), "float: left;") <> 0 Then
       'do stuff
    End if
Next htmlele

I'm wondering if there is a way to manipulate CSS through VBA at all?

Answer №1

If you're trying to manipulate the float style of an element, consider checking out htmlele.style.float. All styles for an element can be accessed through the style object.

In addition, there are the properties currentStyle and runtimeStyle (each with their own nuances, so be sure to refer to the documentation). The availability of these properties depends on the version of the IHTMLElement interface that is implemented by the objects in question.

runtimeStyle and currentStyle are found in IHTMLElement2, with versions up to IHTMLElement8. Utilize the VBA debugger to determine which properties are accessible and whether they contain the anticipated values.

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