Utilizing the HTML method of jQuery on a jQuery element

Currently, I am attempting to modify the inner html of an element. When I utilize the following code:

$('.best-photos-button')[0].innerHTML="Add More Photos";

the change is successful. However, if I try to use .html() instead of ".innerHTML" in JavaScript like so:

$('.best-photos-button').html("Add More Photos");

it does not work. I'm puzzled as to why this might be happening. Whenever I execute $('.best-photos-button').innerHTML in the console, it returns undefined.

Answer №1

$('.best-photos-button') represents a jQuery object. Accessing $('.best-photos-button')[0] will return the raw DOM element, which lacks a .html() method and only has .innerHtml.

To address this, you can either utilize:

$('.best-photos-button').html("Add More Photos"); 

or opt for using .innerHtml

Furthermore: It's important to note that if you employ .html(), it will impact all elements with the best-photos-button class. Therefore, depending on your specific scenario, consider utilizing a different selector or refining the selection to target the desired object effectively.

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