Utilizing the empty space to the right of an image in HTML

What could be causing the empty space to the right of my image?

This is how the HTML file appears:

    <div class="image">
        <img src="image.jpg" alt="Picture here" id="image" align="middle"></img>

Visual representation can be viewed here:


My intent was for just the giraffe image to be displayed. So, where exactly is this extra white space originating from?

Answer №1

Uncertain if you prefer the image to span full width or if the white background color is a concern...

Ensure that the div containing your image has a blue background

.image {
    background-color: #4099FF;

Alternatively, set the background color for the parent element that encloses your content and image. In this scenario, it would be your body tag.

body {
    background-color: #4099FF;

Answer №2

The reason for this issue is that your image size is too small, and your div element is not spanning the entire width of the page.

    width: 100%; // Make it full width
    height: auto;
    width: 100%

By making these adjustments, the content will stretch to fill the empty space.

Answer №3

Consider the purpose of your image placement. If you aim for it to fill the entire width, using width:100% may cause significant pixelation and is not advisable.

Alternatively, opt for placing the image within a full-width div, changing the background color to blue, and centering or positioning the image as desired.

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