Utilizing the CSS :not() selector within a nested table

I am having an issue with my AjaxControlToolkit where the main-page CSS is affecting the inner "calendar" popup.

To illustrate what I need, what I've tried, and the temporary workaround, I have simplified everything into a one-page example. I am in search of a proper CSS solution.

Below is all the information you need:

table.my_table_padding {border-collapse: collapse;}

/* starting point (looks a mess) */
/* table.my_table_padding tr td {padding: 20px;background-color: greenyellow;} */

/* My attempts (neither worked) */ 
/* :not(.ajax_calendar) table.my_table_padding tr td {padding: 20px;background-color: orange;} */ 
/* :not(div.ajax_calendar) table.my_table_padding tr td {padding: 20px;background-color: orange;} */ 

/* The workaround that is a mess and a horrid bodge - is there a better way in a single class, using a :not() ? */
table.my_table_padding tr td {padding: 20px;background-color: greenyellow;}
div.ajax__calendar table.my_table_padding tr td {padding: 0;background-color: white;} 
<table border="1" class="my_table_padding">
    <td>Sample Text... Sample Text...<br />Text is here</td>
      <div class="ajax__calendar">
        <!-- Actually using a popup nuget:AjaxControlToolkit, this is an example -->
        See: <a href="https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.devexpress.com/Calendar/Calendar.aspx">AjaxControlToolkit Sample Page</a>
        <table border="1" class="my_table_padding">
          <tr><td colspan="7">Popup calendar-control</td></tr>

EDIT 1 (to clarify what I'm after)

I have discovered a cumbersome method to achieve the desired display outcome: 1 - implementing the original CSS rule [table.my_table_padding tr td] 2 - Including another CSS rule underneath it [div.ajax__calendar table.my_table_padding tr td] that counteracts the changes made by the first rule

However, this approach seems messy. I am pondering if there is a cleaner way of articulating the original (CSS rule 1), so that it selects all tables except for those that are children of the "div class=ajax__calendar" element.

EDIT 2 - The original ASP.NET Webforms code

<asp:DetailsView runat="server" ID="detv_Main" CssClass="my_table_padding detv_example">
  <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Start Date" SortExpression="EventStartDate">
     <asp:TextBox ID="txt_EventStartDate" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind(example) %>' CssClass="edit_background"></asp:TextBox>
     <ajaxToolkit:CalendarExtender ID="calext_EventStartDate" TargetControlID="txt_EventStartDate" runat="server" Format="d MMM yyyy" />
  <ItemTemplate>Example date</ItemTemplate>

Answer №1

When it comes to applying CSS specifically to the parent table only, you must utilize the child combinator (>) along with the :not. Without the child combinator, the inner table still follows the rule because its descendants (excluded by the :not) are also descendants of the outer table (not excluded by the :not).

In order to incorporate the child combinator with a table and tr, you need to include the implicit tbody. The revised selector would be:

:not(.ajax__calendar) table.my_table_padding > tbody > tr > td

This will achieve most of what you need. However, keep in mind that the default background color is transparent, so the inner table will inherit the background color of the outer table unless specified otherwise. You can set it directly on .ajax__calendar or on any descendant of the outer td where the background color is being set.

table.my_table_padding {border-collapse: collapse;}

:not(.ajax__calendar) > table.my_table_padding > tbody > tr > td {padding: 20px;background-color: greenyellow;}

/* This is necessary since the transparent background of the inner table would otherwise should the greenyellow of the outer table. This could be set at a different level as desired */
div.ajax__calendar {background-color: white;} 
<table border="1" class="my_table_padding">
    <td>Sample Text... Sample Text...<br />Text is here</td>
      <div class="ajax__calendar">
        <!-- Actually using a popup nuget:AjaxControlToolkit, this is an example -->
        See: <a href="https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.devexpress.com/Calendar/Calendar.aspx">AjaxControlToolkit Sample Page</a>
        <table border="1" class="my_table_padding">
          <tr><td colspan="7">Popup calendar-control</td></tr>

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