utilizing symbols from a vector graphic icon库

There are countless icon images to be found on the internet. Recently, I came across this particular set and now I'm stumped on how to actually utilize them. Despite my efforts to find tutorials online, I have come up short in finding any helpful resources. Is there anyone out there who is familiar with using these types of icons and can offer some guidance?

Answer №1

If you're considering using a single image for multiple icons (though the example image you provided isn't the best choice for creating a sprite... ;)

Check out this resource: http://jsfiddle.net/sWZrh/

In essence, you assign one background image to all your icons-to-be and then adjust its position using background-position

Answer №2

Usually, the creators of the icons will give you guidance on how to use them. The method of using icons varies depending on their format. These days, one common way to provide icons is as web fonts. An excellent example of this is symbolset.

If you only have the vectors, such as in .ai or .eps format, you can utilize a vector editor like Adobe Illustrator to convert it to SVG. Unfortunately, support for SVG is not as robust as it is for web fonts. Another option could be creating the web font yourself. There are various options available, with one being the application Glyphs, though this process can be time-consuming.

If you end up with a web font, you'll need to start by including the font and setting the target element to utilize it. You can then insert an icon by referencing the correct character. If the outcome is an SVG image, you can insert it using the img tag.

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