The functionality of Vue.js Stylus and scoped CSS appears to be malfunctioning

I am currently utilizing stylus and scoped CSS styles with Vuetify. Despite trying to use deep nested selectors such as ::v-deep or >>&, I have not been successful in getting them to work (even after rebuilding the project due to issues with hot reload). Whenever I click on a textbox, a particular class is applied to it (presumably coming from Vuetify).

.v-application --primary-text{
   color:white !important

Now, my attempts to change and override this style have proven to be unsuccessful.

<style lang="stylus" scoped>
        color:black !important
    color:red !important

.v-application >>> .primary--text
    color:black !important

.v-application /deep/ .primary--text
    color:black !important

.v-application::v-deep .primary--text{
    color:black !important


Template Section

      hint="This field uses counter prop"
        <v-icon small @click="submit">fas fa-search</v-icon>


import Vue from 'vue'

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'MultiSearch',
  data() {
    return {
      name: '',
  methods: {
    updateFilter(event) {
      console.log('event is', event)
      console.log('this name',
    submit(event) {
      console.log('event is', event)
    onEnter(event) {
      console.log('entered is ', event)

Answer №1

Have you made sure to install stylus before attempting any CSS changes?
yarn add -D stylus stylus-loader

Regarding the selector, it should be ::v-deep.

Check out this reference for more information on selectors:

Answer №2

To tackle this issue, I implemented a solution by including the following code snippet:

options: { styleIsolation: 'shared' }, // include this
methods: {
  yourFunc1 () {

. Configure this within the components alongside the methods section at an equal level.

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