Utilizing Pseudo Classes in Custom Styled Components with MUI

Exploring the world of React and MUI styled components for the first time. Currently, I'm delving into grid layouts and trying to style all children of a specific component. My goal is to target ${Item1}:nth-child(3n-1), ${Item2}:nth-child(3n-1), ${Item3}:nth-child(3n-1), but my approach seems to be incorrect:

const Grid = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    padding: 0,
    display: 'grid',
    gap: 0,
    gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr))',
    `${Item1}:nth-child(3n-1)`: {
        backgroundColor: 'lightYellow'
    gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr))',
    `${Item2}:nth-child(3n-1)`: {
        backgroundColor: 'lightGreen'
    gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr))',
    `${Item3}:nth-child(3n-1)`: {
        backgroundColor: 'lightBlue'

const Item1 = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({

const Item2 = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({

const Item3 = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({

    <Item1 />
    <Item2 />
    <Item3 />

    <Item1 />
    <Item2 />
    <Item3 />

    <Item1 />
    <Item2 />
    <Item3 />

Answer №1

Element is the immediate offspring of Box, allowing you to use the selector div > div:

const Box = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
  '& > :nth-child(3n-2)': {
    backgroundColor: 'lightYellow',
  '& > :nth-child(3n-1)': {
    backgroundColor: 'lightGreen',
  '& > :nth-child(3n)': {
    backgroundColor: 'lightBlue',

If you wish to style a specific child element, you can assign it a class name for identification:

const Box = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({
  '& > .element1': {
    backgroundColor: 'lightYellow',
  '& > .element2': {
    backgroundColor: 'lightGreen',
  '& > .element3': {
    backgroundColor: 'lightBlue',
  <Element className="element1" />
  <Element className="element2" />
  <Element className="element3" />

  <Element className="element1" />
  <Element className="element2" />
  <Element className="element3" />

  <Element className="element1" />
  <Element className="element2" />
  <Element className="element3" />


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