Utilizing nested tables to customize the appearance of cells within the primary table layer

I am facing a challenge with styling nested tables on my page. Specifically, I need to apply styles exclusively to odd rows of the top level table without affecting the tables within it.

Unfortunately, I am unsure about how to accomplish this task. My initial thought is to use jQuery and write a code snippet like this:

$(".topTable tr:odd td").addClass(".rowColor");

Answer №1

Here's how you can achieve the desired effect:

$(".topTable > tbody > tr:odd").addClass("rowColor");

Take a look at this live demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/simevidas/r5UgL/3/

It is advisable to avoid nesting tables for better code organization.

Answer №2

When adding your class, remember to remove the dot as you only have 1 mistake. The correct syntax should be:

$(".topTable tr:odd td").addClass("rowColor");

You can also apply the css directly to the tr element like this:

$(".topTable tr:odd").addClass("rowColor");

I hope this information is helpful for you. Cheers!

Answer №3

For those insistent on utilizing jQuery for this task, a more concise approach would be:

$('.topTable tr:odd').addClass('rowColor');

While your original method is functional, it adds the specified class to every TD in odd TRs when it's only necessary to apply it once to the odd TRs.

Alternatively, achieving the same result can be done using pure CSS (compatible with Firefox 3.5+, Opera 9.5+, Chrome 2+, Safari 3.1+, IE 9+) with the following code snippet:

.topTable > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd){

An example showcasing this can be found here: http://jsfiddle.net/DFwHL/7/

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