The calendar from my datepicker always seems to pop up behind the Card component

When utilizing a Shamsi Calendar within a Material UI Card, I encountered an issue where the calendar appears behind the card. I attempted adjusting the z-index of the Calendar and placing everything inside a div with another z-index, all while ensuring they both have a relative position. Unfortunately, this solution did not resolve the problem.
To better illustrate my dilemma, here is a simple example showcasing the issue: Sample Code
Upon interacting with the DatePicker, you can observe that it gets obscured by the second Card element. This seems to be related to Material UI, as the Calendar component should have proper layering considering its widespread use. Perhaps there is something specific about styling components in Material UI that I am overlooking, prompting me to reconsider my approach when working with these components?

Answer №1

The reason behind this issue is related to the CSS of Material-UI's Card, which includes overflow: hidden. As a result, when the date picker is displayed within the card, it gets clipped at the bottom edge.

In a revised version of your sandbox that I have worked on, I changed the overflow property to visible. This adjustment allows the date picker to be fully visible, although it may have some unintended effects on the Card component.

This particular issue primarily affects the behavior of the date picker. A more reliable solution would involve rendering the popup section using a portal, instead of directly attaching it after the date input. By utilizing the position of the date input, the popup's position could be appropriately set. Although implementing this approach may be more complex than the current setup, it would eliminate any adverse effects on the date picker caused by the styling of its container.

Answer №2

The issue appears to stem from the CSS package itself. Consider changing the position in .Calendar from relative to fixed.

Create a duplicate of the CSS file in your src directory and import that copy instead of relying on the package. Then, adjust the following:

.Calendar {

  --cl-color-black: #444444;
  --cl-color-disabled: #d4d4d4;
  --cl-color-error: #ff2929;
  --animation-duration: 0.4s;
  font-size: 10px;
  background: #fff;
  box-shadow: 0 1em 4em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);
  border-radius: 1em;
  position: relative;
  user-select: none;
  padding-top: 3.2em;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: 33em;
  max-width: 90vw;
  min-height: 36.7em;



.Calendar {
  position: fixed;

within the react-persian-calendar-date-picker/lib/DatePicker.css file provided by the package.

If the left section is not displaying properly, it may be due to the button being intended for the center of the datepicker. You have the option to reposition the entire component or remove the margin and transform properties from the .datepicker style.

.DatePicker__calendarContainer {
  position: absolute;
  top: calc(100% + 2em);
  /* left: 50%;                           Comment these out
  transform: translateX(-50%); */         /*Comment these out*/

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