Utilizing kebab-case conventions for CSS class names in CSS/SASS modules within a Next.js environment

Currently, I am utilizing SCSS modules to style my components in React/Next.js but I can't seem to grasp how to import kebab-case classes.

As of now, I find myself writing all my SCSS classes in camelCase format, which is not the most efficient approach as it restricts me from taking advantage of SCSS cascading features.

(I am still in the learning phase with React and struggling with creating dynamic components on my own, so I rely on React Strap for assistance at the moment.)

Essentially, what I desire is to write:


rather than:



triggers an unexpected token error

This is my Component:

import styles from './styles/Navbar.module.scss'

const NavComponent = (props) => {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

  const toggle = () => setIsOpen(!isOpen);

  return (
      <img src="../ss-logo.png" alt="Logo" className={styles.companyLogo}/>

export default NavComponent;

And here is my SCSS:

.companyLogo {
  height: 3rem;

Answer №1


That is the desired outcome.

Answer №2

Utilize the square bracket notation for object keys.

<img src="..." className={styles['company-logo']}`

Answer №3

<img src="../ss-logo.png" alt="Logo" className={`${style['company-logo']}`}/>

Answer №4

Code Snippets:

<img src="../ss-logo.png" alt="Logo" className={`${styles["company-logo"]}`}/>

Using Variables:

var logo = classNames({
  [`${styles["company-logo"]}`]: true,

return (
    <img src="../ss-logo.png" alt="Logo" className={logo} />

Answer №5

Absolutely, although it's worth noting that without autocomplete and the ability to jump to definitions, I'm simply using camelCase for naming conventions in my module.css file :)

Answer №6

To access an object with a dash separator, you can utilize the bracket notation []:

<img className={styles['company-logo']}/>

For applying multiple class names, template literals can be used:

<img className={`${styles['company-logo']} ${styles['personal-logo']}`/>

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