Utilizing jQuery to consistently position an element next to another regardless of its properties

Discovering this website has been a delight. As a novice programmer, I am struggling to grasp the concept of positioning one element next to another regardless of the preceding element.

For instance, If Element A can hold any value, And if Element B resembles the word "Dog".

I aim to have Dog appear right after Element A.

Thus, if Element A is Cat: I wish for it to display "Cat Dog" And if Element A is Hippopotamus: I desire it to show "Hippopotamus Dog"

The reason behind my request is due to spacing issues that I am currently facing. It seems plausible that jQuery could assist in achieving this task.

Here is a sample CSS snippet:

Element A {
    position: relative;
    font-size: 15px;
Element B {
    position: relative;
    font-size: 15px;

Thank you for taking the time to read. Note: Neither element is nested within the other. They are entirely random elements. Additionally, the code needs to be responsive to browser resizing.

Answer №1

Using the jQuery method .after(), you can easily move one element after another.

$("Element A").after($("Element B"));

The size of the browser window does not impact the positioning of elements. Once an element is placed after another, its position remains constant.

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