Utilizing jQuery to apply a class to an element and modify the CSS parameters with custom values simultaneously

Unsure if this idea is feasible, but I'll attempt to explain my requirements.

I am interested in accomplishing something like the following:

A CSS class with variables X, Y, and Z left undefined:

.r {border-radius:Xpx;-webkit-border-radius:Ypx;-moz-border-radius:Zpx;}

Then within the body of the document:

<div id='test'></div>

With a script referencing the above CSS class:


As you can see, the CSS class lacks specific values and instead uses placeholders.
I aim to assign this class to an element using jQuery and pass all necessary variables through jQuery.
Is there a way to achieve this?

Answer №1

This concept is intriguing, although it cannot be executed directly. The CSS gets "compiled" immediately, making any such CSS invalid and invisible.

Instead, consider using the following code:

$("#test").css({ "border-radius": "10px", "-webkit-border-radius": "10px", "-moz-border-radius": "10px" });

You can utilize jQuery to dynamically set CSS properties in real-time.

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