The custom CSS file is not being recognized

I am facing an issue while trying to integrate two CSS files into my website. The second CSS file seems to be ignored, even though both files are properly loaded when inspecting with the Development Tool in Chrome.

Here is a snippet from my Header:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../CSS/theme.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../CSS/main.css"/>

Some code from this site:

<div class="test">Test</div>

The main.css file includes the following style for ".test":


However, it seems that this style is being ignored and only the styles from theme.css are being considered. Can anyone provide assistance regarding this issue?

Below is a snippet of the HTML file:

<html lang="de" dir="ltr">

And here is a snippet from the main.css file:

:root {
    --main-blue: #0E2DB7;

Answer №1

Your CSS has a couple of issues that need to be addressed.

  1. You are missing curly braces on the 4th @font-face declaration.
  2. The correct syntax should be div.test instead of div .test.

Make these adjustments and it should resolve your problem.


Answer №2

If you're using Chrome, you can investigate the styling of your webpage by accessing the developer tools window. Simply right click on the .test element, select "Inspect," and navigate to the "Styles" tab to examine the themes.css rule.

It is possible that the CSS file is targeting the element in a more specific manner than you are currently doing.

For instance:

div.test {

takes precedence over

.test {


div {

In some cases, you may need to forcefully apply your CSS rules by utilizing the !important declaration like so:

.test {
  font-size: 300px !important;

However, it is advisable to understand why the other rule is being prioritized instead.

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