Utilizing jQuery for animating SVG elements with dynamic color changes and scaling effects upon hover

Seeking assistance from coding experts! I have created an icon and am attempting to modify it so that the color changes when hovered over. Additionally, I want the white square to scale down by 50% starting from the top-left corner of its current position.

Currently, I have successfully implemented the color change and scaling on hover, but I am struggling with animating the process. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Check out my CodePen for reference!

Answer №1

I've incorporated a css3 transition to control the duration of scaling and background changes:

.logo-square, .logo-bg{
  transition: 0.7s;

Additionally, I'm utilizing this jQuery snippet to scale the box (since jQuery is being used. Keep in mind: Achieving this with pure CSS using the :hover selector is also an option):

    '-webkit-transform': 'scale(0.6)',
    '-moz-transform': 'scale(0.6)',
    '-o-transform': 'scale(0.6)'

Furthermore, here's how you can revert back:

    '-webkit-transform': 'scale(1)',
    '-moz-transform': 'scale(1)',
    '-o-transform': 'scale(1)'

Make use of .css instead of .attr()


UPDATE: You have the option to address this issue solely with CSS by leveraging the :hover selector

Here's an example:

.logo-square, .logo-bg{
  transition: 0.7s;

.bm-logo:hover > .logo-square{
   -webkit-transform: scale(0.6);
    -moz-transform: scale(0.6);
    -o-transform: scale(0.6);

.bm-logo:hover > .logo-bg, .bm-logo:hover > .logo-square{
  fill: #b565a7; 


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