Utilizing dynamic attributes within the CSS styling function

I encountered an issue when attempting the following code. It doesn't seem to be working properly. Could you provide some assistance in figuring out why?

var propertyName = 'left';
var propertyVal = $("body").width();

$('nav').css({ propertyName: propertyVal , 'position': 'absolute'});

Answer №1

The problem arises from the fact that you cannot use a variable as the name of a property within an object using the syntax provided. Instead, you must utilize bracket notation to specify the property and its corresponding value. Consider implementing the following approach:

var cssStyles = { 'position': 'absolute' };
cssStyles[dynamicCssProperty] = menuWidth;

Alternatively, you have the option of making two separate calls to the css() method, assigning each attribute individually:

$('.nav').css('position', 'absolute').css(dynamicCssProperty, menuWidth);

Answer №2

Here is an alternative approach:

$('header').css(styleName, styleValue)
        .css('display', 'flex');

You can also utilize the object method for adding styles:

customStyles[styleName] = styleValue

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