"Utilizing CSS to ensure a div adheres to a specific class

I'm trying to change the floating position of a div by using a CSS class, instead of its predefined properties. Currently, the div is styled as follows:

#div { height: 30px; width: 30px; float:left;}

To make it float to the right, I created a class with the following code:

.class {float: right}

However, when applying this class, the div still floats to the left. Is there a way to prioritize the class styling over the div's predetermined properties?

Answer №1

If you're facing a challenge with CSS specificity, you're not alone.

Remember, an `id` selector holds more power than a `class` selector, making it tricky to override its values using just the latter.

There are a couple of strategies to tackle this issue:

  1. Add `!important` after your class attribute to prioritize its selection by the browser. Keep in mind that using `!important` comes with its own challenges which you can read about here.
  2. A more efficient approach is employing the multi-selector syntax to target the specific div you wish to style.

For instance,

<p id="foo" class="bar">

Your CSS would look something like this:

#foo {   color: red; }
.bar {   color: green !important; } /* avoid */
#foo.bar {    color: yellow;    } /* multi selector*/

Check out my jsfiddle link for a demonstration on how to utilize `!important` or the `multi-selector` method.

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