Utilizing CSS to dynamically update the nth-child selector

I've created an image gallery with a 2-column layout, allowing for full-width images to be interspersed between the columns.

To see an example of this, check out my Codepen:

<div class="gallery">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img class="large" src="http://nosrc.io/400x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img class="large" src="http://nosrc.io/400x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">
    <img src="http://nosrc.io/200x200">

Click here to view the Codepen

My issue is that when using :nth-child, it selects the wrong items in the gallery after the second full-width image. Ideally, all left column images should have margin-left: 0; and all right column images should have margin-left: 2%;.

P.S. Unfortunately, I am unable to utilize JavaScript for this project.

Answer №1

In order to effectively implement this solution (considering the possibility of dynamic image sizes), it is recommended to utilize .large:nth-of-type(...) ~ img, though it may become quite complex and potentially incompatible with older browsers. Alternatively, a simpler approach would be to apply a 1% margin to all images: http://codepen.io/Godwin/pen/MwNBMK.

Answer №2

Take a look at this interesting code snippet:

.gallery img:nth-child(2n+1) {
        margin-left: 0;

Also, consider this code:

.gallery img.large ~ img:nth-child(2n+1) {
    margin-left: 2%;

The use of (2n+1) determines the position for applying the attribute.

Answer №3

Do you think this is enough? I noticed that there's some unnecessary right margin on each line of images, but...


I also decided to clean up the strange float clearing.

.image-container {
  width: 300px;
  overflow: hidden;

Instead of the bulky:

.image-container::after {
        content: " ";
        display: table;

.image-container::after {
        clear: both;

Because using overflow: hidden is a good way to clear floats.

Answer №4

It appears that the functionality of the nth-child is not what you might expect. It doesn't target the nth child relative to the .large element; rather, it applies to all the img children within the .gallery container. To better understand this behavior, I recommend using the style inspector to see how the styles are being applied to each img element.

If you want to experiment with a different approach, you can consider implementing a rule like the following:

.gallery img {
  float: left;
  width: 48%;
  margin-right: 2%;
  margin-bottom: 2%;

.gallery img.large {
  width: 98%;

You can also view an example at http://codepen.io/anon/pen/NqQLYx.

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