Utilizing CSS to dynamically update SVG icons within the navigation menu upon tab selection

Feeling frustrated and in need of assistance with my current issue. I am attempting to make a change - when I click on a tab in the menu, the default black SVG icon should be replaced by a white one.

#menu a .main-menu-icon {
background: url(/images/digital.svg);
#menu .nav-tabs>li>a.menu_digital>.main-menu-icon{
background: url(/images/digital.svg);
#menu .nav-tabs>li>a.menu_digital:active>.main-menu-icon {
background: url(/images/digital_white.svg);

Currently, the SVG only changes to white when I press and hold directly on it. Once I release the button, even if I am still on the tab's page, the default black SVG reappears.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day! :)

Answer №1

The CSS code provided in your question pertains to the menu styling:

#menu .nav-tabs>li>a.menu_digital:active>.main-menu-icon {
  background: url(/images/digital_white.svg);

This selector uses :active to target the menu item only when it is being clicked. To ensure that the style persists once the page loads and the menu item is active, you should include the class active in your selector (pay attention to the difference between : and .):

#menu .nav-tabs>li>a.menu_digital:active>.main-menu-icon,
#menu .nav-tabs>li>a.menu_digital.active>.main-menu-icon {
  background: url(/images/digital_white.svg);

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