Engage in intricate animations on Blaze

Currently seeking an effective method for implementing animations within my app using Blaze.

To provide further clarification, I have included a basic example below:

<template name="global">
    <h1>Hello everyone!</h1>
    {{> foo}}

<template name="foo">
    <h2>I am a foo!</h2>
    {{#each elements}}
        {{> bar}}

    <button name="btnAdd">Add new element</button>
    <button name="btnDel">Delete an element</button>

<template name="bar">

In the event that we have an Iron-router route rendering the global Template, I aim to incorporate a fadeIn animation during this specific rendering process.

Upon clicking the btnAdd button, a new element is created with a desired SlideInLeft effect.

If the user clicks on the btnDel button to delete an element, it should smoothly disappear with a SlideOutRight effect.

Furthermore, when navigating to another route, all templates are expected to vanish gracefully with a fadeOut effect.

Despite various attempts, I have not been able to achieve these distinct effects and have not found a suitable package to address this issue.

My current approach involves utilizing the Animate.css class for adding/removing animations, which is simple to use and visually appealing.

In summary, I am looking to implement different animations based on the origin of the rendering.

Has anyone encountered similar challenges before?

BONUS QUESTION: Any insights on how to sequence animations, such as:

render global with fadeIn Effect >> then >> render foo with rotateIn Effect >> then >> render every bar with bounceIn effect

Answer №1

To handle timing, you have the option to utilize the setTimeout function in JavaScript. For instance, you can execute

outside of the setTimeout function so it executes before the timed event.

For initial visual effects, consider implementing the following code:

    $('.targetElement').slideDown('fast') //keep in mind that the element is initially hidden (set as display:none in CSS). Additional effects from jQuery and jQuery UI can also be applied for more dynamic results.

In addition, jQuery can be integrated into your router.js file when using iron:router.

Router.route('/example-url', function() {
    this.render('exampleTemplate', {
        data: function () {
            $('.htmlElement').toggle('slide', {direction:'left'}, 300); //the element starts off invisible
}, {
     name: 'exampleRoute'

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