"Utilizing Bootstrap for a Dynamic Display: Implementing Multiple Carousels with Multiple Images within

I have incorporated several Bootstrap carousels on one page, each with its own unique identifier. These carousels are generated dynamically based on user interactions, such as uploading images.

My goal is to display 3 images at once in each carousel. I am attempting to achieve this using jQuery by following the steps outlined in this link: http://www.bootply.com/DKihet1ZM9

While this method works for a single carousel, I am wondering if there is a way to apply it to all of them simultaneously.

Thank you.

Answer №1

After some troubleshooting, I finally discovered the solution - it seems my initial approach was actually correct all along. The issue turned out to be a simple mistake on my part. I had neglected to set the height of the inner carousels, causing them to overflow when multiple images were added.

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