Utilizing Boostrap to create a background image positioned on the far left of the screen within a .container

I am currently working with bootstrap 4 and have a layout that includes a container class:

        | Great content
        | I really like it
       .col-12 And so forth
       .col-3.here Content with an image
      .col-12 And so forth

Everything is functioning as expected, until my designer adds an image positioned to the left of the screen at the level of the .here class, which places it outside the .container.

The current workaround involves moving the .container outside the layout and repeating it. It's not ideal because it breaks factoring, violates DRY principles, and affects responsiveness.

Is there any other solution?

Setting the image position in JS is messy and fixing the image position isn't viable either.

I was thinking maybe using flexboxes could provide a cleaner solution, something like

div.uncontainer style="background-image: url('/images/example')"
, which would make the div full width while ignoring the .container constraint.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any suggestions for a clean solution?

Thank you

Answer №1

Thank you for all the helpful feedback, especially from @zim who guided me in the right direction.

In response, I created a utility function that generates the .uncontainer class, allowing for the creation of a full-width div within a parent .container.

Check it out below:

@import '~bootstrap/scss/functions', '~bootstrap/scss/variables';

@mixin make-uncontainer-responsive($max-widths: $container-max-widths, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
  @each $breakpoint, $container-max-width in $max-widths {
    @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint, $breakpoints) {
      // Still unsure about margin-left and translateX attributes;
      // Any thoughts on this?
      left: calc((#{$container-max-width} - 100vw)/2);

.container {
  position: relative; // Hopefully won't cause any issues
  .uncontainer {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100vw;
    @include make-uncontainer-responsive();

It seems that 100vw is supported from IE9 onward, making it a compatible choice. Since Bootstrap 4 works with IE10+, everything should work smoothly. :)

I hope this solution proves useful, and I am considering recommending its inclusion as a default in bootstrap.

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