Utilizing BEM Class Names in React

How can I utilize the Post component in a way that assigns unique classes to new and old posts following BEM recommendations?

  1. Assign a unique className to every element
  2. Avoid cascading dependencies like (.posts-new post or .posts-old post)
  3. Each component should define a new Block on its outermost element

I want the className to distinguish between new and old posts, such as post-new and post-old.

One possibility is to pass "new" or "old" via a props attribute (like type="old") to the Post component and dynamically generate the className. Is this the recommended approach or is there another technique I'm overlooking?

// Display new posts
Posts className="posts-new"
  Post className="?"

// Display old posts
Posts className="posts-old"
  Post className="?"

Answer №1

Ultimately, my decision was to utilize an attribute to transfer the values "new" and "old" from the Posts component to the Post component.

<Posts type="new" />
<Posts type="old" />

Subsequently, within the Post component, I successfully integrated this into the className of my article tag using a template literal.

<article className={`post post-${props.type}`}>

Based on the input I've received from fellow developers, it appears that this method is widely accepted.

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