CSS: Concealing a separate div

I am working with a parent div in my code that has 2 child divs. I am hoping to find a way to hide the second child when hovering over the first child, using only CSS or JavaScript.

Take a look at my Fiddle here

<div class="parrent">
    <div id="child1">
        Hide child2

    <div id="child2">  
        I must hide

Appreciate any assistance with this issue!

Answer №1

Consider using this code snippet:

#child1:hover ~ #child2 {

Check out the Demo for a visual example

This code utilizes the General sibling combinator ~ to select elements.

The ~ selector, known as the general sibling combinator, selects an element that follows another specific element in the HTML structure.

If needed, you can also leverage the Adjacent sibling combinator + based on your coding requirements.

The + selector, called the adjacent sibling combinator, targets an element that directly follows a specific element.

#child1:hover + #child2 {

See the Adjacent Sibling Combinator in action in this Demo

Answer №2

#child1:hover #child2 {

Unfortunately, this approach won't work because it requires #child2 to be a direct child of #child1.

Instead, you can try the following solution:

    }, function(){

Alternatively, you can utilize the CSS code:

#child1:hover ~ #child2 {

Answer №3

Here is a solution using jQuery:


Answer №4

If you want to target a sibling element of an element in CSS, it’s important to understand the proper syntax.

Rather than using the following syntax-

#child1:hover #child2

You should use:


Check out this demo on JSFiddle

Please note that + is specifically used for referencing a sibling element.

For more information, refer to this resource

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