Quick way to include id="" and class="" attributes to HTML elements using Sublime Text 2

Is there a way to configure Sublime Text 2 where inputting a . (dot) automatically generates class=" " and adding a # (hash) creates id=" " while typing an HTML opening tag?

Answer №1

Enter foo.bar, then hit Tab and see the magic happen:

<foo class="bar"></foo>

Don't forget about foo#bar (for id instead of class). These features can be found in Packages/HTML/html_completions.py

Answer №2

Looking for the solution? Navigate to: Preferences -> Configuration -> User.

Insert the following code snippet inside the braces, then remember to save the document:

"auto_id_class": true,

This function enables you to swiftly include id=" " and class=" " attributes in HTML elements by simply typing a # or .

If you are using sublime text, this feature can be quite handy.

Answer №3

Take a look at , a useful plugin for Sublime Text that can assist with writing HTML and CSS more efficiently.

Here's an example:


will automatically be expanded to

<div class="class"></div>

You can find more helpful examples on the official Emmet cheat sheet.

Answer №4

My experience with ST3 was not successful when trying "auto_id_class": true, as suggested by @Paul_S. Instead, I quickly created a custom snippet that worked for me. You can find the snippet below. Please note that while the scope

<scope>meta.tag.other.html, meta.tag.block.any.html, meta.tag.inline.any.html</scope>
could be further refined, it served my purpose and I did not investigate further options.


    <!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
    <!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->
    <scope>meta.tag.other.html, meta.tag.block.any.html, meta.tag.inline.any.html</scope>


    <!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
    <!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->
    <scope>meta.tag.other.html, meta.tag.block.any.html, meta.tag.inline.any.html</scope>

Appreciate your time.

Answer №5

If you're working in ST3, try utilizing the following shortcuts:






<section class="column">|</section>

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