Utilize specific CSS attributes from a class and apply them to a DOM element

It's clear that the question at hand is more complex than it initially appears. I'm not just looking for a way to apply a CSS class to a DOM element, as I'm already familiar with that (

<div class="MyCssCLass"></div>

My goal is to apply specific parts of the CSS attributes from a class to a DOM element.

Let's say I have the following CSS:


and this HTML

<div id="MyDiv">Some text</div>

If I want to only apply the background-color to MyDiv, I can't simply do:

<div id="MyDiv" class="MyClass">Some text</div>

Because this will also apply the CSS color attribute to MyDiv, which is not the desired outcome.

At this point, you may be wondering why not just override the CSS class with my own CSS or create another class like MyBckgrdClr with just background-color:red; and assign it to MyDiv?

However, life is not always that simple.

With my understanding, I attempted a solution using JQuery:

I dynamically created another <div> and assigned it the MyClass CSS class.

var MyClassElement = $('<div id="MyClassElement">').addClass('MyClass');

Then I inserted it into the body


Next, I tried to change the background of MyDiv

$("#MyDiv").css("background", MyClassElement.css("background"));

While this worked well in Chrome, it did not function properly in Mozilla, IE, Opera...

But fear not! I still have some tricks up my sleeve. Let's explore another approach!

What if I try a JavaScript solution?

My initial thought led me to this line of code:

document.getElementById('MyDiv').style.background = document.getElementById('MyClassElement').style.background;

Unfortunately, this did not work as expected. Even Chrome failed to display the background properly...

So, what should I do now...

... ...


... ... ... ...

Ah! I remember now! I'll resort to a method not commonly used these days. Ah yes, debugging.

Let's see what


So I added:


right after the

line and checked the console for the output:

(an empty string)


It seems my wisdom is diminishing rapidly.

Is there someone wiser than me who can point out my error and provide a solution to achieve this?

Specifically, I would like to understand

Why did the JQuery solution work in Chrome but not in other browsers? And why did JavaScript fail across all browsers?

Fiddle: jsfiddle.net/7h2Lsxmx/3/

P.S. I also noticed that CSS attributes in .MyClass do not seem to affect any of the .style attributes of a JavaScript DOM Element, nor do they work with .css() for the JQuery counterpart.


Here is some additional context.

I have 5 CSS files.

dark.css, light.css, gray.css, blueish.css, kindOfGreen.css

They all contain the same classes but with different values for each attribute.

For example, dark.css may include:


and Blueish.css may have:

    background-color:(Put rgb for dark blue here);

By switching between these CSS files at runtime using PHP, I can change the color scheme of my page.

Thus, the goal is to:

1- Allow the user to choose a theme 2- Store the theme choice in a cookie 3- Reload the page with the appropriate CSS file

Given this dynamic nature, I cannot (@Matthias I won't) manually code a class for every property that changes in each of the five CSS files. If I can make the code work in at least Mozilla and IE without altering the class (which is used on other elements too), that would be ideal.

Answer №1

style provides access to an element's inline style only. For full access to all styling properties, utilize getComputedStyles. Learn more about this in-depth with examples by visiting this link.

Answer №2

.green-text-color { 
  color: green;

.yellow-background {
  background-color: yellow;

<div class="green-text-color">This div has green text color</div>

<div class="yellow-background">This div has a yellow background</div>

<div class="green-text-color yellow-background">This div has a green text color AND yellow background</div>

It's puzzling why this content is presented in this format.

Answer №3

Did you know that it's possible to assign multiple classes to a single element? Simply separate them with a space, allowing you to create more specific selectors.

If that doesn't work, you can always create a new selector, like one that specifically targets div elements with the class "div.MyClass".

Personally, I find using JavaScript for this task to be less than ideal.

Answer №4

Have you ever wondered when it might not be possible to include additional CSS classes?

In any case, you can always override CSS by using the 'important' property.



View the code in action on jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/7h2Lsxmx/1/

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