"Utilize jQuery to load a file when hovering over a specific

How can I dynamically load an external file using jQuery when a user hovers over a specific div? I attempted to load the file like a CSS file on hover but was unsuccessful. Is it possible to load a CSS file on hover as I've seen in some examples?

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#f1_container2").hover(function () {
        $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="theme/supersized.shutter.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />');

Answer №1

To fetch content, simply utilize the function $(".target").load("file.html"), where file.html contains the necessary HTML markup.

CSS remains inert until activated, making it ideal to be placed in the head section initially. This enables easy application of stylish effects like $(".target").addClass("newClass") upon hovering over a div element.

Additionally, the hover() function has the capability to include a SECOND function that executes when the mouse exits the target area, allowing for reversal of any changes made during the mouseover event.

Answer №2

After the document has been loaded and rendered, adding code for a stylesheet won't prompt the browser to retrieve additional resources since it already has what it needs. It is advisable to pre-load images or use alternative methods to trigger file retrieval on hover.

You can try implementing something similar to the following:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#f1_container2").hover(function () {

         // Simplified approach
         //$('head').append('<img src="images/sprite.gif">');

         // Advanced technique
         var $img = $('<img>', {
             src:    'images/sprite.gif',
             load:   function() {
             css: {
                 display:  'none'
         }).appendTo('body'); // Insert wherever necessary

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