Utilize Jquery to dynamically replace HTML partials based on the device's screen resolution

Currently working on a project using Bootstrap 3, the client has requested significant changes to the structure for mobile views.

In previous projects, I have utilized Zurb Foundations Interchange: - and found it to be fantastic!

I am curious if there are any alternatives in Bootstrap that can achieve similar results. If you have experience with this type of coding, what approach did you take? I'm feeling a bit unsure about which direction to move in. My searches haven't been very fruitful. I may end up doing this programmatically, but the idea of using JavaScript to handle it is appealing.

Thank you in advance

Answer №1

When working on a project for a client, I implemented different versions of the page based on screen size using Bootstrap's built-in classes like visible-xs, invisible-s, and so on. While it required some attention to detail, it didn't involve any JavaScript and was simple to customize. This approach is worth considering, especially since you're already leveraging the capabilities of Bootstrap.

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