Ensuring the sidebar stretches to fill the entire page height

Everything was going smoothly in my blog-like layout until I decided to introduce a simple and minimalist User dashboard with a sidebar that deviated from the existing structure.

I managed to extract most of the CSS code from the large file generated by Hugo (not including Bootstrap 5) and created a Pen for it. It's quite lengthy, but hopefully not an issue.

In the Pen, I manually made one change in the last block to illustrate that there is a colored wrapper for the main body since it was not initially visible.

My goal was to have the sidebar on the left extend to the full height of the page, with the footer positioned above it, while maintaining spacing around the red box shown here.

However, I am struggling to eliminate the bottom spacing between the sidebar and the footer.

I attempted changing the <footer> bottom property or applying a negative margin-top to lift it up.

Unfortunately, these adjustments only resulted in additional space below the footer.

I have searched for solutions and come across tutorials and other questions, but none specifically address the use of Bootstrap 5 like I am implementing.

Answer №1

To prevent further issues with your boxes, you can set the margin property of the footer element to 0 and assign the wrapper element a class of wrapper-box. Then, apply the CSS rule margin-bottom: -15px to this class in a negative value.

Make sure to update your CSS with the following code:

a:hover {
  color: inherit

#comments {
  scrollbar-color: initial!important

#comments::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: initial

/* Other CSS rules go here */

  margin-bottom: -15px;

Don't forget to adjust your HTML as well:

<wrapper class="d-flex container-fluid wrapper-box">
  <main class="col">
    <section id="dashboard">
      <!-- Main content goes here -->

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