Utilize jQuery to automatically assign numbers to <h1-h6> headings

Looking to develop a JavaScript function that can automatically number headings (h1- h6) for multiple projects without relying on CSS. Currently achieving this with CSS:

body { counter-reset: h1; }
h1 { counter-reset: h2; }
h2 { counter-reset: h3; }

This format is achieved:

1. Heading number 1
1.1. Heading level 2
1.1.1. Heading level 3

Desiring to convert this into a JavaScript function and eliminate the need for CSS as below:

if( typeof mbopts !== 'undefined' && mbopts.length > 0 ) {
    var mbopts = {
        levels:    Int,
        separator: String,
        startAt:   Int

The JavaScript function would operate as follows:

(function(h) {
    h.fn.mbheaders = function( mbopts ) {
        let mbdefaults = {
            levels: 6,
            separator: "decimal",
            startAt: 1

        // Extend the defaults
        let mboptions = h.extend( {}, mbdefaults, mbopts );

        return this.each( function() {
            // Function logic here to handle automatic numbering of headings
            // based on specified options.
}( jQuery ));

This functionality is important for maintaining consistent numbering in documentation split across multiple files such as .md.

Example processed HTML from a markdown file:

<article class="markdown-section" id="main">
    <h1 id="about-this-document">About this document</h1>

    <h1 id="everyone">Everyone</h1>

        <h2 id="logging-into-your-computer">Logging into your computer</h2>

            <li>Step one</li>
            <li>Step two</li>

    <h1 id="special-areas">Special areas</h1>

        <h3 id="on-the-road">On the road</h3>
        <h3 id="remote">Remote</h3>


Relevant output numbers obtained using the automatic heading numbering:

1. Everyone
1.1. Logging into your computer

2. Special areas
2.1. On the road
2.2. Remote

Answer №1

This initial code snippet provides a starting point for organizing content with different heading variations into sections. It utilizes the jQuery method nextUntil() to group h1 elements within a section and assigns sequential numbers to them based on their order. This script also handles h2 and h3 elements to create a hierarchical structure.

The CSS styling included defines borders for sections and color codes for various headings. The sample HTML demonstrates how this script can be implemented in a document with different sections and headings.

Answer №2

I have just developed a new .ol() method specifically for jQuery. This method is designed to create an ordered list and provide a new instance of a constructor with an additional .li() method. By using the .li() method, you can easily reference the created ordered list. Feel free to start listing away!

function Ol(j){
  const ol = $('<ol></ol>');
  this.li = (title, noIncrement = false)=>{
    let n = noIncrement ? '' : ' '+(ol.children().length+1);
    let li = $('<li>'+title+n+'</li>');
    return li;
    return new Ol(this);
const test = $('#test'), titles = test.ol(), title1 = titles.li('Title'), sections = title1.ol();
for(let i=0,l=10; i<l; i++){
  for(let n=0,chapters=sections.li('Chapter').ol(),q=4; n<q; n++){
    for(let z=0,subs=chapters.li('Section').ol(),c=3; z<c; z++){
      subs.li('sub-section').ol().li('content would go here', true);
const title2 = titles.li('Title').ol(), chapter1 = title2.li('Chapter').ol();
const chapter2 = title2.li('Chapter').ol(), chap1Sec1 = chapter1.li('Section').ol();
const chap2Sec1 = chapter2.li('Section').ol();
chap2Sec1.li('sub-section'); chap2Sec1.li('sub-section');
chap1Sec1.li('sub-section').ol().li('This is how you might use outside a loop', true);
  margin:0; padding:0;
ol li{
<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js'></script>
<div id='test'></div>

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