Currently facing two minor issues that I am struggling to resolve:
When a thumbnail is clicked on the page, it redirects to a different page. However, when the "Delete thumbs" button is clicked, the clicking action is disabled using prevent default. The problem arises when the "done" button is clicked as the thumbnails remain unclickable. I need to enable clicking after the "done" button is clicked.
The second issue is related to clicking the "delete thumbs" button, which allows for reordering of the thumbnails using jQueryUI sortable.
In my CSS, I have set an active class on the first-child element. I want the active class to be applied only to the first item in the list. If the first item is dragged out, the active class should be removed and the next item in the list should become active.
.gallery li
Below is the demo code:
I would greatly appreciate any assistance with these issues. Thank you.