Utilize JavaScript to save user-selected CSS styles by setting a cookie in jQuery

I am currently using a jQuery styleswitcher to change the stylesheet upon click. Despite trying various solutions, I have been unable to find a resolution to this issue. Could someone please assist me in setting a cookie for this functionality?


    <ul class="colors-list">
        <li><a title="Black" id="black" class="black" ></a></li>
        <li><a title="Green" id="green" class="green" ></a></li>
        <li><a title="Blue" id="blue" class="blue" ></a></li>



<pre><code>(function ($) {
"use strict";
var mainApp = {

    main_fun: function () {



        jQuery('#switch-panel').click(function () {
            if (jQuery(this).hasClass('show-panel')) {
                jQuery('.switcher').css({ 'left': '-50px' });
            } else if (jQuery(this).hasClass('hide-panel')) {
                jQuery('.switcher').css({ 'left': 0 });

        $('#black').click(function () {
            $('#mainCSS').attr('href', 'assets/css/style.css');  //PATH TO BLACK STYLESHEET
        $('#blue').click(function () {
            $('#mainCSS').attr('href', 'assets/css/blue.css');  //PATH TO BLUE STYLESHEET
        $('#green').click(function () {
            $('#mainCSS').attr('href', 'assets/css/green.css');   //PATH TO GREEN STYLESHEET
        $('#red').click(function () {
            $('#mainCSS').attr('href', 'assets/css/red.css');    //PATH TO RED STYLESHEET


    initialization: function () {



$(document).ready(function () {


Answer №1

Looking at this discussion - How can I manage cookie values?, there is some ready-made JS code for handling cookies.

In your scenario, you can update the cookie value within your jQuery .click functions.

Additionally, you should have code that executes when the document loads to check if a cookie is present on the user's browser. If it is found, you need to adjust the stylesheet according to the cookie value.

I've prepared an example for you based on your provided code. Feel free to customize it as needed. http://jsfiddle.net/biz79/pdjmc0n3/1/


Creating/setting cookie with 24-hour expiration

    $('#black').click(function () {
      // add stylesheet code here...
    $('#blue').click(function () {
      // add stylesheet code here...

If a cookie exists:


    function updateResult() {
      var cookieValue = getCookie('cookie');
      if (cookieValue.length) {
        $('#mainCSS').attr('href', 'assets/css/' + cookieValue + '.css');

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