Utilize JavaScript conditions to dynamically apply styles within your web application

I am facing a challenge with managing two separate <style> tags that each contain a large number of styles and media queries. The issue is that one set of styles is intended for desktop users, while the other is meant for mobile users. When both sets of media queries are active, it causes display problems as different components appear at different sizes. Previously, I was dynamically linking style sheets based on user display, but now I have been tasked with consolidating everything onto a single page without additional file loading. Is there a way to exclusively apply one set of styles or the other using JavaScript?

Answer №1

To implement mobile detection in JavaScript, you can dynamically add a specific class to your webpage based on the device type. For example:

  <div class="mobile-version">
    .. content for mobile devices ..

Alternatively, you can also style the webpage differently for desktop users by using a different class:

  <div class="desktop-version">
    .. content for desktop devices ..

Answer №2

One way to incorporate it is by embedding it in your CSS links

<link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (max-width: 701px)' href='css/medium.css' />
<link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 702px)' href='css/large.css' />

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