Utilize import and export statements to transfer an HTML tag between two JavaScript files

I have two HTML files linked to two JS files. I want to save an HTML tag from HTML1 with JS1 in a Variable and export it. Then import it in the JS2 file and use it in HTML2

I have tried many ways but nothing seems to work, something as simple as this



        <div id="mainPageCont">
            <h2 id="defaultPage" style="text-align: center; margin: auto; width: 100%; height: 200; font-size: large; background-color: blue;">Default Main :))</h2>

JS 1

let mainPageContainer = document.getElementById("mainPageCont")
export default mainPageContainer;



        <div id="main-container"></div>

JS 2

    import mainPageContainer from './Pages/Main/mainScripts.js' 
    document.querySelector("#main-container").innerHTML = mainPageContainer

Answer №1

The export process makes this task seemingly impossible.

When you define a variable and import it to another page, the system attempts to locate an element with that specific id. As a result, it scans through the blank page searching for the element, which ultimately cannot be found.

I trust this explanation clarifies things for you.

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