Utilize data attributes in VueJS to dynamically style elements

Is there a way to utilize the data() values within the <style>..</style> section? I have experimented with different combinations (using/omitting this, with/without {{brackets}}, etc.) but haven't been successful. Interestingly, when I manually input a value like '#f00', it works perfectly fine.

My template structure looks like this:

 <ul class="striped">


 ul.striped> li:nth-of-type(odd) {
    background-color: this.colors[0].backgroundcolor;  //dynamic value fetched from data()


  data() {
    return {

        colors: [{'backgroundcolor':'#def'}], //simplified version for clarity

Answer №1

Vue 3.2 has introduced a new feature called State-Driven Dynamic CSS, which allows you to easily apply dynamic styles based on the component's state:

    <ul class="striped">

    ul.striped> li:nth-of-type(odd) {
        background-color: v-bind('colors[0]')

    data() {
        return {
            colors: ['#def'],

For Vue 2 users, you can achieve similar functionality using CSS custom properties:

    <ul class="striped" :style="`--color: ${colors[0]}`">

    ul.striped> li:nth-of-type(odd) {
        background-color: var(--color)

   export default {
      data() {
        return {
            colors: ['#def'],

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