Utilize Bootstrap 4 columns to ensure efficient use of space by either maximizing or minimizing wrapping

I'm attempting to design a layout with multiple rows, each containing two columns. The first column will display text descriptions and should not wrap, taking up about 80% of the row space. The second column will show amounts and must be right-justified. However, my current code sets both columns to an equal 50% width.

<div className="row border">
     <div className="col border">
          <small className="text-muted">{trans.payee} - {trans.category}</small>
     <div className="col text-righ">
          <small className="text-muted">{trans.amount.toFixed(2)}</small>

Is there a way to make the first column expand to fill available space while allowing the second column to use only what it needs? I'm questioning if the row/col elements in Bootstrap 4 are the appropriate choice for this layout.

Bootstrap 4 is still new to me, so I'm working through the learning curve as I go along.

Answer №1

To save space, consider using col-auto on the second column

Check out this link for more information:

<div class="row border">
        <div class="col border text-truncate">
            <small class="text-muted">{trans.payee} - {trans.category} can be longer</small>
        <div class="col-auto text-right">
            <small class="text-muted">40.00</small>

Adding text-truncate to the first column can prevent wrapping if necessary.

Answer №2

Reminder: Please remember to close the second div tag.

If you do not specify a width for the div, it will automatically adjust itself.

Make sure to assign a width to one of the div elements so that the other can adapt accordingly.

<div className="row border">
     <div className="col border">
          <small className="text-muted">{trans.payee} - {trans.category}
     <div className="col text-righ">
      <small className="text-muted">{trans.amount.toFixed(2)}</small>

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