UTF-8 encoding experiencing issues on select Android mobile devices

Our new website, powered by Wordpress, is up and running but some users are experiencing issues with displaying Swedish special characters. It seems to be happening specifically on Android devices, regardless of the browser being used. However, I have not been able to replicate this problem on my desktop PC or my own Android device (running 4.2 and 4.4).

I've attempted to adjust the CSS editor by setting the charset to "@charset "UTF-8";" but I'm uncertain if this solution is effective. Do you have any suggestions on how to reproduce this issue?

Furthermore, should I explore alternative solutions aside from the CSS editor? Upon inspecting the source code of our homepage, I noticed the following in the header:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

If a visual inspection would aid in troubleshooting, our website can be found at

Answer №1

When it comes to encoding, UTF-8 is not the issue here - the real problem lies with the font Open Sans. The specific character set you are using does not include all the necessary glyphs, forcing the browser to fetch missing ones from alternative sources. Unfortunately, certain older desktop browsers and Android devices struggle with this process of glyph substitution, leading to potential display errors.

To resolve this issue, consider removing Open Sans in favor of a system font for reliable rendering. Alternatively, opt for an expanded version of Open Sans that includes all required glyphs. Keep in mind that achieving absolute coverage may be impossible, as determining every font necessary for automatic translation is a complex task.

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