Using VueJS transitions may require the use of setTimeout for them to work

My code successfully slides out a menu:

      Vue.set(this.filterStyles, filterIndex, {
        display: "block",
        height: "auto",

      let filterValuesElHeight;
      Vue.nextTick().then(() => {
        let filterValuesEl = document.getElementById('parent-filter-values-' + filterIndex);
        filterValuesElHeight = filterValuesEl.clientHeight;

        Vue.set(this.filterStyles, filterIndex, {
          height: 0,
          display: "block"

        return Vue.nextTick();
      }).then(() => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          Vue.set(this.filterStyles, filterIndex, {
            height: filterValuesElHeight + "px",
            display: "block"
        }, 10);

The initial setup of the menu includes the following rules:

display: none;
height: 0;
transition: all 500ms;

The first Vue.set sets the height to auto in order to accurately calculate its height using filterValuesEl.clientHeight

After returning to 0 on the next tick, the final tick then sets it to its natural height.

Despite using Vue.nextTick(), I found that adding a tiny timeout seems to be necessary. While this solution works, it feels somewhat messy. Is there a cleaner alternative?

Answer №1

It seems like you are utilizing the filterStyles within a template, possibly in this format: :style="filterStyles". In that scenario,

Vue.set(this.filterStyles, filterIndex, {
    display: "block",
    height: "auto",

will not immediately adjust the height to auto. Instead, it will update the component's data and reflect that change in the DOM after the next nextTick(). Essentially, your code is one tick behind.

However, continuously stacking nextTick calls is not recommended practice. If the component gets removed during this process, it can lead to unresolved references.

To simplify this, you could directly set the style to measure its natural height. For instance, if the element has a ref="filter" attribute:

this.$ = "auto";
filterValuesElHeight = this.$refs.filter.clientHeight;
this.$ = "0";

You may need to address conflicts between the template and inline JavaScript (template is not provided), but this approach should help you get started.

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