Using rvest to extract picture data

I've been grappling with this issue for a few weeks now and haven't had any success. My ultimate goal is to extract each image from the website provided (link:). To start, I am attempting to retrieve just one instance of the image stored in the 'img alt' property within the HTML code.

The snippet of HTML code looks like this:

<div class="l-grid__item l-grid__item--3/12 l-grid__item--12/12@mobile--sm l-grid__item--4/12@desktop l-grid__item--6/12@tablet"><div tabindex="0" class="c-card u-flex u-flex--column u-height--100% u-cursor--pointer u-bxs--dark-lg:hover c-card--@print"><div class="u-height--100% u-width--100% u-p u-flex u-flex--centered u-mb--auto"><div aria-hidden="true" class="u-max-width--80% u-max-height--250px"><img alt="/photo/66c88d1d7401a93215e0b225.jpg" class="u-max-height--250px u-height--auto u-width--auto u-block" src="/photo/66c88d1d7401a93215e0b225.jpg"></div></div><div class="u-flex u-flex--column u-flex--no-shrink u-p u-bg--off-white u-fw--bold u-color--primary u-text--center u-bt--light-gray"><div class="u-cursor--pointer u-mb--xs">AANDAHL, Fred George</div><div class="u-fz--sm u-fw--semibold">1897 – 1966</div></div></div></div>

I have tried using the R code below, but I keep getting character(0):


# Fetch the HTML content with a custom User-Agent
response <- GET("", 
                user_agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36"))

# Parse the content
page <- read_html(content(response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))

# Navigate to the div with class starting with 'l-grid__item' and extract img alt attributes
img_alt_values <- page %>
  html_nodes(xpath = "//div[starts-with(@class, 'l-grid__item')]") %>
  html_nodes(xpath = ".//img") %>

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome this hurdle?

Answer №1

Examining the network traffic reveals that data is fetched from an API where the search function on the page triggers a POST request with a JSON payload. By utilizing httr2, it becomes possible to send these requests and retrieve a maximum of 100 records at once, although in the provided code snippet, each request is limited to returning only 3 records.

The URL and payload are as follows:


# API address
url <- ""

# JSON payload  
payload_string <- "{\"index\": \"bioguideprofiles\", \"aggregations\":{\"field\":\"\",\"subFields\":[\"jobPositions.congressAffiliation.congress.startDate\",\"jobPositions.congressAffiliation.congress.endDate\"]},{\"field\":\"\"},{\"field\":\"\"},{\"field\":\"jobPositions.congressAffiliation.represents.regionCode\"}],\"size\":12,\"from\":0,\"sort\":[{\"_score\":true},{\"field\":\"unaccentedFamilyName\",

To easily modify the from argument in the request, the payload needs to be converted to an R list using req_body_json_modify():

# Convert to R list
payload_list <- fromJSON(payload_string)

# Retrieve n records of first x records
request_size <- 3L         # Max 100 per request
total_records <- 15L       # 12953 records available
from <- seq(1L, total_records, request_size) - 1L  # Sequence of start positions

# Generate base request
req <- request(url) |>
    req_method("POST") |>

# Generate list of requests (5 requests of 3 records each)
requests <- from |> 
   lapply(\(n) req |> req_body_json_modify(from = n, size = request_size))

# Execute requests
responses <- req_perform_sequential(requests, on_error = "return")

# Parse responses and extract image URL
results <- resps_data(
  \(r) r |>
    resp_body_json(simplifyDataFrame = TRUE) |>
    pluck("filteredHits")  |>
    select(starts_with("unaccented"), any_of("image"))
  ) |>
  bind_rows() |>
  hoist("image", "contentUrl") |> 
  select(-image) |> 
  mutate(image_url = ifelse(, NA, paste0("", basename(contentUrl))), .keep = "unused") |> 

Now, the results variable holds the extracted image URLs:

# A tibble: 15 × 4
   unaccentedFamilyName unaccentedGivenName unaccentedMiddleName image_url                                       
   <chr>                <chr>               <chr>                <chr>                                           
 1 Aandahl              Fred                George     …
 2 Abbitt               Watkins             Moorman    …
 3 Abbot                Joel                NA                   NA                                              
 4 Abbott               Amos                NA                   NA                                              
 5 Abbott               Joseph              Carter     …
 6 Abbott               Joseph              NA         …
 7 Abbott               Josiah              Gardner    …
 8 Abbott               Nehemiah            NA                   NA                                              
 9 Abdnor               James               NA         …
10 Abel                 Hazel               Hempel     …
11 Abele                Homer               E.         …
12 Abercrombie          James               NA                   NA                                              
13 Abercrombie          John                William    …
14 Abercrombie          Neil                NA         …
15 Abernethy            Charles             Laban      …

Additional data accompanies each query but the process of organizing and manipulating it is left for you to handle.

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