Angular 2 failing to display background images

I have been working on an Angular 2 app with just one component. I recently tried to set a background image for the entire page using the following code: app.component.html

<dashboard class="dash"></dashboard>


.dash {
    background-image: url("../assets/images/background/sligo.jpg");

Even though the image shows up in the dev tools within Chrome, it does not appear on the actual view of the page. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue? The screenshot below displays the console output and the main view.

Additionally, here is a glimpse of my package.json file and the folder structure of the project:

You may also refer to this link for more information:

Answer №1

Ensure that you accurately define the assets and root properties in your .angular-cli.json file, as shown below:

Here is the layout of my project:

Additionally, make sure to utilize content instead of background-image, as illustrated in the example below:

.banner {
    content: url(../assets/images/background/banner.jpg);

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